Meet with the Commissioner at Levens and Dalton in Furness
Meet with the Commissioner at Levens and Dalton in Furness
The Commissioner will be continuing to hold a series of Spring surgeries across the county over the coming months and dates and venues will be published once confirmed. The Levens surgery will be at Levens Village Hall, Lowgate LA8 8NL from 1-2.30pm and the Dalton-in-Furness surgery is at the Co-op on Market Street, LA15 8AA from 3.15-5pm on the 5th February - no appointments are necessary.

PFCC confirms appointment of Chief Fire Officer
PFCC confirms appointment of Chief Fire Officer
Commissioner David Allen confirms appointment of Paul Hancock as the new Chief Fire Officer for Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.

Commissioner welcomes Home Office announcement as funding for Neighbourhood Policing in Cumbria doubles
Commissioner welcomes Home Office announcement as funding for Neighbourhood Policing in Cumbria doubles
Commissioner welcomes Home Office announcement as funding for Neighbourhood Policing in Cumbria doubles

Partnership working at its best at Cumberland Safeguarding Hub, Carlisle
Partnership working at its best at Cumberland Safeguarding Hub, Carlisle
David Allen visited Cumberland’s Safeguarding Hub at Cumbria House in Carlisle this week, to see first-hand the effective partnership working between the Police, Housing, Health, Adult and Children’s Social Care teams.

‘Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour’ key priorities as Commissioner launches four-year strategy
‘Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour’ key priorities as Commissioner launches four-year strategy
Cumbria’s Police Fire and Crime Commissioner, David Allen has today launched his four-year Police, Fire and Crime Plan with tackling crime and anti-social behaviour as its key priorities.

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