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Victims Journey

A crime is a deliberate act that causes physical or psychological harm, damage to or loss of property, and is against the law crime rarely affects just one person, it has a ripple effect and can impact on whole families, friends, and communities.  experiencing a crime can have a significant impact on your mental health and emotional well-being. Everyone reacts differently and it’s normal to feel confused about how the Criminal Justice System works and the options which are available to victims, witnesses and others who may be affected. How individuals react to crime depends on lots of different things — such as the crime itself, the sort of person they are, and the support they have around them.

From October 2014 grant funding for the commissioning of local services to support victims of crime and deliver restorative justice moved from the Ministry of Justice to Police and Crime Commissioners. The legislation aimed to provide Commissioners with clear powers to provide or commission a wide range of services for victims, witnesses and others affected by offences and anti-social behaviour. The renewed focus on meeting victims’ needs also led to the Victims’ Code being reviewed and revised, with the new Code that came into effect in May 2020. This has all created a greater focus on understanding the needs of victims of crime and providing an opportunity for change. One of the key priorities for Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is “Putting Victims First”.

Everyone has the right to feel safe in their home and community and get the support that they need to cope with the immediate impact of crime and as far as possible recover from its effects. If affected by crime, there are a number of ways to get support or information. If you’ve been a victim of crime you have the right to receive a certain level of service from the criminal justice system.

Your rights are explained in the Victims’ Code The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales and supporting public information materials

This Code tells you what you can expect from criminal justice agencies, including the Police, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Courts.

Cumbria Constabulary Putting Victims First

Being a victim of crime can be a distressing, traumatic and upsetting experience. In order to assist you through the processes, Cumbria Constabulary have developed a  Putting Victims First Booklet that explains what happens next and gives victims and witnesses more information about organisations that will provide support, help and advice.

Cumbria Victims Charitable Trust

Did you know that Cumbria Victims Charitable Trust provides support to victims of crime who reside in Cumbria? Find out more on their website.