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Public Accountability Conference

The Public Accountability Conferences allows the Commissioner to scrutinise both the Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service performance in an open and transparent environment. The Commissioner receives performance updates and thematic reports around priority areas of policing and fire such as, domestic abuse, sexual offences, rural crime, anti-social behaviour, road and water safety. To support this, the Commissioner holds regular one-to-one meetings with the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer.

To view the latest papers from the Public Accountability Conference please click here.

National Crime and Policing Priorities

The Government has set out some key national priorities on crime. These are to:

  • Reduce murder and other homicides
  • Reduce serious violence
  • Disrupt drugs supply and county lines
  • Reduce neighbourhood crime
  • Tackle cyber crime
  • Improve satisfaction among victims – with a particular focus on victims of domestic abuse

The Commissioner supports the importance of these national measures and will incorporate them in his new Police, Fire & Crime Plan.

The Commissioner seeks assurance from the Chief Constable about performance against these measures at his Public Accountability Conference meetings. Presentations provided by the Constabulary at these meetings include details of how it is addressing the national measures, provides the context for any changes and highlights any planned activity to address crime levels were there has been an increase or there is a particular concern.

The governance of the Public Accountability Conferences is currently under review. The information we publish in relation to police and fire performance is also being reviewed. This website will be updated with any changes once these are agreed.

The Accountability Framework

The PFCC is reviewing the Accountability Framework he has in place to monitor the totality of policing and fire in Cumbria . This will be published once it has been agreed

Monitoring and Accountability

The PFCC, Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer carry out a number of internal inspections each year. Some of these are undertaken by internal and external auditors.

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) also undertaken external inspections of the Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service. These inspection reports are considered by the PFCC. Where actions are required by the Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service, these are monitored by the PFCC through his Public Accountability Conferences and other internal governance arrangements. All the PFCC’s responses to the HMICFRS inspections of the Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service are available on the HMICFRS webpage with the full reports available on the HMICFRS website.

Visit the HMICFRS website