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The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides a general right of access, subject to some exemptions, to information held by all public bodies, including police and crime commissioners. Anyone who asks for information must be told whether we hold that information and supplied with that information unless one of the exemptions apply.

The Commissioner publishes information on the website and a Retention Schedule is also available to view here.

Public authorities have to adopt and maintain a publication scheme setting out the classes of information available, the manner in which it is intended to publish the information and whether a charge will be made for providing the information. The purpose of the publication schemes is to ensure that a significant amount of information is made available without there being a need for a specific request by encouraging organisations to publish more information pro-actively. This is something we aim to achieve through this website. The Act will be enforced by the Information Commissioner.

When responding to FOI requests the Office of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner follow the processes and guidelines laid out by the Act and detailed within the Information Commissioner’s website . The website provides information relating to your rights under the Act, with an explanation of the exemptions within the Act that may be used in certain cases.

How your request will be handled

On receiving your request we will assess it to determine whether we hold the information requested and whether it can be provided to you. If there are statutory exemptions why the information is to be withheld we will inform you of those exemptions that apply and the reasons why.

We will respond to your request within 20 working days following receipt of your request. If your request is not clear we will contact you to clarify the information you are seeking, until we have clarification of the information requested your request will not be processed and the 20 working days will not commence until we have sufficient clarification to continue. Further information is available in our Freedom of Information Procedure.

If you would like to make an information request please contact;

Office of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner
Police Headquarters,
Carleton Hall,
Cumbria, CA10 2AU.

Telephone: 01768 217734

A disclosure log detailing information disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act can be accessed below. Please note that the current year is updated on a monthly basis.


To view past FOIs, please visit the OPFCC Archive.