Registers & Gifts
Registers of Interest of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and his Team
To ensure openness and transparency, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (Commissioner) and his team declare their personal interests. The Commissioner must declare his personal interests in the Register of Interests. These must be registered with the Office of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner’s Monitoring Officer within 28 days of starting his term of office. If these change, the Commissioner must send an updated notification within 28 days.
To increase openness and transparency, the Commissioner has stated that the Register of Interests for himself and that of his Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer and any appointed Deputy Commissioner will be published. They can be access by clicking on the name below:
Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner’s register of interests
Chief Executive’s register of interests
Chief Finance Officer’s register of interests
Gifts and Hospitality
The Commissioner and all staff in the OPFCC are required to declare in a public register any offers of gifts, gratuities or hospitality that are in any way related to the performance of their duties. Details of the requirements can be found within the Arrangements for Anti-Fraud and Corruption
Details of any gift or hospitality received/offered to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, the Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer and any member of staff working in the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners office can be viewed below.
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
To view past gifts and hospitality, please visit the OPFCC Archive.