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Cumbria Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is committed to working with a wide range of partners and other agencies to support him in delivering his priorities. The OPFCC works with statutory organisations such as Local Authorities, Fire and Rescue Services, North West Probation Service and Youth Offending Teams, the Commissioner also works with voluntary sector, community and faith organisations to help deliver initiatives aimed at supporting the objectives in the Police and Crime Plan. Where partnerships work well the PFCC will prevent duplication, reduce costs and tackle issues by using a joined-up approach. Partnership working has to be at the heart of any approach to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, where we all take responsibility for our part but also influence others to take theirs.

PFCC Partnership working will have several key aims:

  • Preventing crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Developing joined-up and appropriate support for victims
  • Reducing Re-offending
  • Improving victims’’ experience of reporting to the police and the court process
  • Overseeing Cumbria Police working with other forces in the North West of England

The PFCC will deliver Partnership working by:

  • Giving agencies feedback from the public, victims and other service users
  • Influencing partner organisations plan to ensure they cover priorities within his Plan
  • Taking a lead on certain priority areas within the Police and Crime Plan, such as leading projects to join-up services, gaining feedback on how services are operating and driving progress, where required
  • Discussing needs, gaps and potential approaches with partner organisations before buying new services, or working with partners to jointly set up projects
  • Making funds available to certain partnerships to support them to start joint projects which address needs they have identified

The OPFCC is currently developing the Commissioning Strategy. This strategy will provide a framework for partnership, organisations, groups and individuals to work together, reduce crime and disorder and support victims of crime. It will aim to ensure that resources are targeted towards delivering the priorities within the Police, Fire and Crime Plan. The strategy will set out a number of principles for commissioning, a commissioning budget and a number of funds aligned to strategic priorities.