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Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) celebrated the reopening of the Lazonby’s fire station following a fire that tore through the upper floor of the building in February 2024.

The Station officially reopened on Wednesday 26 February with the local on-call firefighters, CFRS staff, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, David Allen and Chief Fire Officer, Paul Hancock attending. King’s Coronation medals were presented to various on-call firefighters, and everyone had the opportunity to look around the newly refurbished and facilities.

Temporary Crew Manager Claire Dickinson and Firefighter David Ivinson, who also work at Bells of Lazonby, represented the bakery at the event, receiving a certificate of thanks from the Chief Fire Officer and a Mounted Presentation Fire Service Axe from the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner on behalf of the local business. After the Fire in early 2024, Bells of Lazonby allowed Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service to keep the Lazonby fire engine on their premises to ensure that the on-call firefighters could continue to serve the community whilst work was being completed to fix and improve the station.

Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, David Allen, said: “Local fire stations are vital in keeping our communities safe – especially in counties such as Cumbria where the geography is so vast and rural.

“Following the fire, the community rallied around and provided support to Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, especially Bells of Lazonby. This support allowed our on-call firefighters to continue to keep Lazonby and the surrounding areas safe whilst improvements were made to the Station.

“This night is all about celebrating those who keep our community safe – Cumbria is full of tight-knit communities that look after one another and I’m incredibly proud to represent them as Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

“I also want to say ‘well done’ to those who received a King’s Coronation medal – they are well deserved.”

Head of Response at Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, Brian Massie, said: “Thanking our on-call firefighters is so important to us as an organisation.

“Our service is built around communities – with our staff and crews to providing the public with an emergency service in their time of need, its essential that we celebrate this

“Without our on-call firefighters, CFRS would not be able to deliver the service we do so I am so thankful to not only the on-call firefighters but also to their families and employers that support them to help keep everyone safe.

“We are continuously look to recruit on-call firefighters across the county so if anyone is interested in joining our team, please visit the CFRS website and find out how to apply.

“In the upcoming months, we will be holding an open day at Lazonby Station for the community to have a look at the station and talk to the crews about their roles.

Are you interested in becoming an on-call firefighter? Visit the Cumbria Fire website to apply.