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Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (Commissioner), David Allen, visited Alston on Monday 3 March 2025 to patrol with Police and meet with residents to discuss local concerns around policing and fire.

The Commissioner met with Community Beat Officer (CBO) PC Chris Newman and PCSO Tony Labram to patrol Alston and hear more about the work being done in the town to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB) and local crime. Eight reports of ASB have been reported in Alston between 1 April 2024 – 31 January 2025 compared to zero reports in the same period between 2023/24. Overall crime has increased by 37.7%, 93 reports in 24/25 compared to 58 reports in 23/24.

Following the walkabout, the Commissioner hosted a surgery in Alston library for residents to raise their concerns around policing and fire in the local area. Concerns raised included speeding and noise of vehicles passing through the town, more visible policing and issues with non-emergency reporting.

Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, David Allen, said: “Neighbourhood policing is vital to ensuring that our communities are kept safe and the issues that matter most to them are dealt with swiftly.

“Going out on patrol with PC Newman and PSCO Labram provided me with the opportunity to hear more about the local issues for Alston and how Cumbria Constabulary are pro-actively reducing crime in the town and surrounding areas.

“Alston is one of our more rural and isolated communities, so it was incredibly important that I visit and assure residents that we are invested in hearing their views, tackling crime and keeping them safe.

“This is why we hosted a surgery in the town – to provide residents the chance to share any concerns or views. I’ll be taking the issues I heard today back to the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer to see what we can do to resolve them.

“As your Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner, my role is to be the voice of residents within Cumbria, in respect of the Police and Fire services – I am your voice. If any member of the public has a concern about crime in their area, or around the Constabulary or Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, please raise it with me at or call 01768 217734.

“I’ll be continuing to hold surgeries so I would encourage residents to keep an eye on social media for any upcoming dates and locations. I want to hear from you so please come along and have a chat – I am here to represent you so use me as your voice in policing and fire.”

Inspector Mo Bibby, Eden NPT said: “Tackling incidents of anti-social behaviour is a priority in Alson and dedicated Community Beat Officer, PC Chris Newman and PCSO Tony Labram have been working proactively to prevent and reduce these types of offences.

“Officers have recently spoken with parents of some youths in the area as being responsible for ASB issues where the old primary school was. Proactive patrols will continue in the area to prevent future offending and identify other offenders.

“In February we also carried out educational visits at the local schools in Alston and we are working with partner agencies to put measures in place around areas being used for ASB.

“PC Newman and PCSO Labram will continue to address the issues which matter the most to our residents in Alston and I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage anyone who has any concerns in relation to crime, disorder, ASB or suspicious activity, to report to police.”

If you wish to report to police you can do so online at Report a crime | Cumbria Police. You can also phone on 101. Always phone 999 in an emergency or if a crime is in progress.