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About AWAZ Cumbria AWAZ Cumbria aims to create strong and vibrant BME communities, fully engaged in the decisions which affect their growth and development. Our vision is to make Cumbria a place where: Everyone is welcome to live, learn, work, visit and conduct business; People respect and celebrate ethnic and cultural diversity and maintain their heritage; All communities work together to tackle discrimination and prejudice, and promote understanding. Who We Help AWAZ Cumbria provides: Advocacy: on public policy and for BME people experiencing racism and discrimination; Community Engagement: Empowering voices and participation in strategic consultations and at local decision making forums; Community Development: Specialist community development projects and help with setting up and maintaining BME community groups; Consultancy and Training: Research and accredited training on community development, tackling hate crime, equality, diversity and human rights. On-line Resources: Model policies, documents, an email newsletter and Website with news, opportunities, events, fact sheets, links, calendar & more… Turning the Spotlight on Hate Crime: As part of the 'Turning the Spotlight on Hate Crime' initiative by the Cumbria Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, this is a holistic programme to help and support individuals who have been perpetrators of hate crime/incidents or are at risk of offending, to move away from prejudice based offending behaviours. For further information please click on: For further details please contact: Tel: 01228 511115 Email: Web: The following link is a video called “Horse Trading” that is used to show how easy it is for perpetrators to target vulnerable people for the purposes of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: