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We give emotional and practical help to people who have been affected by crime in Cumbria. We’re an independent charity and you can contact us for support regardless of whether you’ve contacted the police, and no matter how long ago the crime took place. We’ll help you for as long as it takes to overcome the impact of crime. If you call your local Victim Support team in Cumbria, we’ll make sure you get the information and support you need. Victim Support has specially trained advisors who support people who are experiencing domestic abuse and those who have been raped or sexually assaulted. They work with you to advise on putting a plan in place to help keep you safe and where needed, help you access safe accommodation. They can represent your views with other agencies and help you access support from them. They can provide emotional and practical support, as well as helping you understand the court process and the criminal justice system, if you have chosen to report to the police.