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About Women's Community Matters One to one support A range of free courses and activities, including a confidence building course, Beautiful Women, Knit & Natter and Love Upcycling – these all provide opportunities to meet other women in a safe and welcoming environment Help with practicalities, including filling in forms, making telephone calls and support to attend meetings Access to a free 30 minute appointment with a solicitor with regards to family matters Weekly drop-in sessions to enable women to meet in a friendly women only environment Support group for women who are pregnant or have recently given birth We have links with a number of other agencies and private rooms in which you can meet with them We have a developing allotment where you can help grow fruit and vegetables We have a clothes bank which is free to access. We have a large stock of women’s and children’s clothes and a small stock of men’s clothes (the men’s clothes cannot be accessed directly by male clients. They can be collected by female friends or a partner, or by another organisation) Who We Help Vulnerable women aged 16 and over. Our centre is in Barrow and all our services currently run from this one centre. Our services are available to women from all over Cumbria if they are able to get to us and we may be able to provide help funding transport. Accessing Our Services At our Centre in Barrow. Drop-in times are: 10am-12 noon on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Courses, activities and appointments maybe outside these times.