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The Safer Cumbria Partnership provides a platform for the partner organisations involved, alongside the wider third sector and voluntary network, to work collaboratively to deliver a co-ordinated approach to Criminal Justice, Combatting Drugs, Serious Violence and Counter Terrorism across Cumbria. To find out more about the work of Safer Cumbria, the strategy is available to read now.

Combatting Drugs in Cumbria

In Cumbria the function of a Combating Drugs Partnership sits with the already established Safer Cumbria Partnership, where all responsible authorities to the strategy are present along with wider stakeholders. This provides the ideal platform for a truly joined up approach for service delivery. This is further strengthened through the operational arm of the partnership and the Cumbria Addictions Board which is Co-Chaired by Public Health and Cumbria Police. This group widens stakeholder involvement even further with the inclusion of third sector partners and in particular the significant benefits of a Lived Experienced organisation which has been invaluable to the successful interventions we have put in place, the details of which are included later in the report.

Serious Violence

The Cumbria Serious Violence Duty Response Strategy sets out our plans for tackling serious violence in Cumbria through a partnership approach. The strategy is in response to the Serious Violence Duty which requires the relevant authorities of Police, Local Authorities, Integrated Care Boards, Fire & Rescue Services, and the Probation Services to work together to prevent and reduce serious violence in their local areas. Under the Duty the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has a convening roll and has worked with all responsible authorities in the production of this strategy.

Crime and Community Safety Strategic Needs Assessment

A strategic assessment of crime and community safety in Cumbria provides the county council and other responsible authorities with an understanding of the levels and patterns of crime, disorder and substance misuse in the county and local areas by providing statistical analysis and information about crime, changes and patterns over time. The aim of the assessment is to highlight the county’s priorities for the responsible authorities working together to tackle crime, disorder and substance misuse. It provides the evidence base for the development of Cumbria’s Community Safety Agreement by helping to identify and prioritise the resources and interventions required to combat crime and disorder. The assessment provides a broad picture of community safety in Cumbria. In addition to analysing and presenting community safety data, the Community Safety Strategic Assessment gives an overview of the main experiences and concerns of local residents. The latest assessments in relation to crime and community safety can be found within the Analysis, Briefings and Summaries section below.