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Joint Audit Committee Members’ Allowances

Members of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria, Cumbria Constabulary and Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service’s Joint Audit Committee were paid allowances and expenses as part of their role. To view the schedule of allowances paid and expenses incurred reimbursed to Members of the Joint Audit Committee please click the links below.

Joint Audit Committee Members’ Allowances 2022-23

Joint Audit Committee Members’ Allowances 2023-24

Independent Custody Visitors’ Allowances

Independent Custody Visitors are paid travelling costs incurred in attending visits at custody suites, meetings and training courses. In addition they receive re-imbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket administrative expenses incurred in carrying out their role. To view the allowances paid to the Custody Visiting volunteers please click the link below.

Independent Custody Visitors’ Allowances 2022-23

Independent Custody Visitors’ Allowances 2023-24

Ethics and Integrity Panel Member's Allowances

Members of the Ethics and Integrity Panel are paid allowances and expenses as part of their role. To view the schedule of what has been reimbursed to the panel members please click on the link below.

Ethics & Integrity Panel Allowances 2022-23

Ethics & Integrity Panel Allowances 2023-24