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006-2023 – Charging Policy

002-2023 – 2022/23 Budget, MTFF & Reserves Strategy

001-2023 – Capital Strategy

012-2022 – Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements (OPCC) 2021/22

011-2022 – Effectiveness of the Arrangements for Audit 2021/22

010-2022 – Internal Audit Annual Report 2021/22

009-2022 – Financial Outturn report 2021/22

008-2022 – Capital Budget Provisional Outturn 2021/22

006-2022 – Charging Policy 2022-23

004 – 2022 – 2022/23 Budget and Medium Term Financial Forecast

003- 2022 – Capital Strategy 2022/23

001-2022 – RJ Mediation Contract Award

012-2021 – Charging Policy 2021/22

011-2021 – Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements (OPCC) 2020/21

010-2021 – Effectiveness of the arrangements for Audit 2020/21

009-2021 – Internal Audit Report 2020/21008-2021

008-2021 – Financial Outturn Report 2020/21

007-2021 – Capital Provisional Outturn 2020/21

003-2021 – Corporate Support Annual Update 2021 (Part .1. only)

002 -2021 – 2021/22 Budget and Medium Term Financial Forecast

001-2021 – Capital Strategy 2021-22

018-2020 – WCM Petals Programme 2020-21

015-2020 – Charging Policy 2020-21

013-2020 – Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements (OPCC) 2019/20

012-2020 – Effectiveness of the Arrangements for Audit 2019/20

011-2020 – Internal Audit Annual Report 2019/20

010-2020 – Financial Outturn Report 2019/20

009-2020 – Capital Budget Monitoring 2019/20 Quarter 4 to March 2020 (Provisional Outturn)

008-2020 – Collaborative Procurement Regional SARC Services

007-2020 – 3 x Temporary Dedicated Serious and Organised Crime Posts (the 2 year posts will be funded from the Misuse of Drugs Act Fund / ARIS)

006-2020 – New Complaint & Misconduct Regulations (Part .1. information)

005-2020 – Procurement Strategy 2019-2022 (Part .1. information)

004-2020 – ICT Strategy 2019-2022 (Part .1. information)

003-2020 – Estate & Fleet Strategies (Part .1. information)

002-2020 -2020/21 Budget, Medium Term Financial Forecast and Reserves Strategy

001-2020 – Capital Strategy 2020-21

020-2019 – Procedure for Forfeiture of Police Pensions

019-2019 – Petals Programme 2019-2020

018-2019 – CCTV Phase .2.

016-2019 – Charges for Policing Services 2019/20

013-2019 – Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements (OPCC) 2018/19

012/2019 – Effectiveness of the Arrangements for Audit 2018/19

011-2019 – Internal Audit Annual Report 2018/19

010-2019 – Commissioner’s Revenue Budget Provisional Outturn 2018/19

009-2019 – Capital Budget Provisional Outturn 2018/19

008-2019 – Joint Procurement Regulations

007-2019 – Financial regulations

005-2019 – Procurement Strategy 2019-2022

004-2019 – ICT Strategy 2019-2022

003-2019 – Estate and Fleet Strategies

002-2019 – 2019/2020 Budget and Medium Term Financial Forecast

001-2019 – Capital Strategy 2019/20

024-2018 – PCC Annual Report 2017/2018

023-2018 – Brathay Trust ‘Be SAVY’ Project

021-2018 – Constabulary Workforce Planning

019-2018 – Business Intelligence Analytics

018-2018 – Misuse of Drugs Act Fund Application – County Lines ANPR

017-2018 – Effectiveness of Governance Arrangements for OPCC 2017-18

014-2018 – Commissioner’s Revenue Budget Monitoring Q4 Provisional Outturn 2017-18

013-2018 – Capital Budget Monitoring Q4 to March 2018 Provisional Outturn

012-2018 – Joint Data Protection Officer

011-2018 – Joint Health and Safety Policy

009-2018 – Funding for Laser Speed Guns and Equipment

008-2018 – PCC Charging Policy 2018-19

007-2018 – MACAS

006-2018 – Funding Arrangement 2018-19

005-2018 – ICT Strategy 2018-2022

004-2018 – Estate and Fleet Strategy

003-2018 – Budget and Medium Term Financial Forecast

002-2018 – Capital Strategy 2018-2019 and beyond

001-2018 – Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators