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Police Appeals Tribunals (PATs) hear appeals against the findings of gross (serious) misconduct brought by police officers or special constables. PATs are currently governed by Police Appeals Tribunal Rules 2012, which were amended in 2015. The amendments set out what may be published in respect of appeal hearings and allows for the appeal hearings to be held in public. Members of the public can now attend appeal hearings as observers but are not allowed to participate in proceedings however the Chair of the Tribunal reserves the right to hold part or all of the Tribunal in private. The Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria is responsible for appointing the Chair to conduct the proceedings.

There will be limited seating for members of the press and public. To attend you must apply by emailing the Office of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner with the following details:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Detail whether member of press or public

When attending a hearing you will be expected to produce photographic ID. These measures are in place to work in accordance with health & safety and security protocols.

Please also note the following information about attending a hearing:

  • If you have not registered in advance of the hearing admittance maybe declined
  • Travel and attendance is in your own time and at your own expense
  • Refreshments are not provided and food and drink are not allowed in the hearing room
  • Audio and video recordings are not allowed within the hearing room
  • Any behaviour that does or is likely to interfere with the proceedings may lead to you being asked to leave
  • Those under the age of 16 cannot attend
  • Animals will not be permitted into the hearing room apart from guide/assistance dogs

To view past appeal hearing outcomes, please visit the OPFCC Archive.