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Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct applies to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner when acting or representing to act in that role.

Ethical Framework

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has adopted an Ethical Framework for Police and Crime Commissioners which has been developed by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioner’s (APCC).

Staff Code of Conduct

The Staff Code of Conduct applies to all staff employed within the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

Decision Making Policy

The implementation of a robust decision-making process will ensure that decisions are taken for the right reason at the right time. The commissioner will adopt rigorous standards of probity, regularity and transparency in their decision-making and all decisions will be taken solely in the public interest.

Arrangements for Anti-Fraud and Corruption

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has approved an Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy. This strategy sets out the approach to ensuring effective procedures and responsibilities are in place to deliver the anti-fraud and corruption policy. This strategy and the related procedures set out how the commitments and principles within that document are put into practise and provides details on confidential reporting (otherwise known as Whistleblowing).

Commissioner-Officer Protocol

The protocol gives clear guidance to officers and the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner on their expectations; promoting good working relationships with each other and providing guidance should things go wrong.

Procurement Regulations

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has agreed a Procurement Policy and Procedures and Contract Standing Orders for the Cumbria Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (COPFCC). This document is intended as a guide for our suppliers and staff to help those engaged in buying or providing goods and services. The policy ensures we achieve value for money, the right balance between quality, performance and price, when we buy goods and services, In doing so we ensure we make the best use of public resources.

Retention and Disposal Schedule

The Retention and Disposal Schedule supports the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner in meeting their obligations under the Freedom of Information Act, and covers records and information from creation to destruction or retention, as appropriate.

Social Value Policy

The Social Value Policy ensures Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and Cumbria Constabulary consider how the services they commission and procure might improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the area.

Grant Regulations

The Grant Regulations set out the rules by which the OPFCC will award crime and disorder reduction grants and grants to help victims, witnesses and others affected by crime and anti-social behaviour. These regulations alongside the Procurement Regulations aim to support the delivery of the Commissioning Strategy and the Police and Crime Plan.

Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

Cumbria Commissioner Fire & Rescue Authority general terms and conditions of purchase.