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The Partnership Fund

The partnership fund provides for collaborative working initiatives that demonstrate outcomes across priorities within the Police and Crime Plan. The key objectives within the Police and Crime Plan can only be delivered by working collaboratively with our public sector partners across health, probation and the local government sectors. The partnership fund recognises that our partners are uniquely placed through their links to local communities and the services they deliver to act as the lead agency to commission and deliver local services across areas of shared responsibility for victims, witnesses, community safety, crime reduction and antisocial behaviour.

The Victims Services Fund

The Commissioner receives specific ring-fenced grants from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) to commission a wide range of services for victims. The fund supports collaborative partnership arrangements to establish victim care arrangements which comply with the Victim’s Code of Practice and to commission services which help victims to cope and recover after a crime. The fund also supports arrangements for small grant awards with a specific focus on victims advocacy and support for victims through the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.