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The Safer Streets Fund is a Home Office fund originally launched in 2020. The aim of the fund is for PCCs to work with partner organisations to tackle issues within the neighbourhoods identified as being persistently and disproportionately affected by crime or anti-social behaviour.

The OPFCC successfully applied for funding over several rounds to deliver initiatives which cover:-

Round 1 April 20 – March 21 Barrow Residential burglary

Round 2 April 21 – March 22 Workington Residential burglary

Round 3 April 21 – March 22 Whitehaven Violence against women and girls (VAWG) in public spaces

SWAN April 21 – March 22 Carlisle Safety of women at night in public spaces

Round 4 April 22 – Sept 23 Carlisle ASB

Round 4 April 22 – Sept 23 Barrow ASB

Round 5 Oct 23 – March 25 Carlisle ASB

Round 5 Oct 23 – March 25 Workington ASB and VAWG

Round 5 Oct 23 – March 25 Penrith ASB and anti-social driving