The Commissioner set his 2025/26 budget and approved the police precept on 13th February 2025. In doing so, the Commissioner agreed revenue funding of £166m and capital funding of £4m (total £170m) for the Chief Constable. Details of the revenue and capital budget and the advice received by the Commissioner from the PFCC Chief Finance Officer can be viewed in the reports set out below:
Local Government Act 2003 Requirements Report
Budget 2025/26 and Financial Forecasts 2026/27 to 2029/30
Capital Strategy 2025/26
Capital Programme 2025/26 and Beyond
Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2025/26
Reserves Strategy 2025/26
From 2020/21 onwards, a new style has been adopted for the quarterly reports. The report now presented is a ‘Financial Summary’ report and this report incorporates the previously separately reported Commissioners revenue Budget Monitoring report, the Constabulary Revenue Budget Monitoring report and the Capital Budget Monitoring Report.
To view past budget reports, please visit the OPFCC Financial Archive.