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In this section of the website, you can access our financial statements. The Summary Statement of Accounts provides a highly summarised version of the more detailed full Statement of Accounts. Both of these documents can be found using the links to the relevant years below:

Financial Statements 2023/24

To view past financial statements, please visit the OPFCC Financial Archive.

Your rights to inspect the accounts: If you are an elector in the county, you may inspect and make copies of the accounts. More information is available to you on your rights with regards to the accounts and audit report in the National Audit Office document: statement of accounts: your rights. This document refers to Council’s but all the information and rights set out in the publication also apply to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable.

You can view this document, by clicking on the link below:

National Audit Office: Council Accounts: a guide to your rights