Financial Governance
Financial governance is about the frameworks, regulations, rules and procedures we put in place to safeguard public money and provide assurance. This page on our website provides access to the key documents that set out those arrangements and support effective financial control.
Our governance arrangements are subject to cyclical review. This process includes internal audit and review by our Joint Audit Committee.
Annual Governance Statement 2023/24
The Annual Governance Statements explain how the Commissioner and Chief Constable have complied with the arrangements for governance set out within their respective Codes of Corporate Governance. The Code gives clarity to the way the Commissioner and Chief Constable govern and sets out the frameworks that are in place to support the overall arrangements for fulfilling the Commissioner’s and Chief Constable’s functions.
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have set out Codes of Corporate
Governance for the 2023/24 financial year and these can be viewed using
the links below:
OPFCC Corporate Code of Governance 2023/24
Constabulary’s Corporate Code of Governance 2023/24
To view past documents, please visit the OPFCC Financial Archive.