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We give emotional and practical help to people who have been affected by crime in Cumbria. We’re an independent charity and you can contact us for sup[...]

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About AWAZ Cumbria AWAZ Cumbria aims to create strong and vibrant BME communities, fully engaged in the decisions which affect their growth and devel[...]

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LGBTQ+ information and advice services . Counselling, youth drop in sessions , issue based sessions. We are centre based and can also offer support [...]

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Karma Nirvana offers three main services to help educate people on forced marriage and honour-based violence. Each service is dedicated to providing i[...]

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About Carlisle Key Support for 16-25 year olds, Homelessness, Benefits, Housing Issues, Health Services, Support and Advice Who We Help Young peopl[...]

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Gateway 4 Women offers a friendly, welcoming, non-judgemental, women-only space for ALL women to access support, meet new people, develop their skills, gain confidence and improve overall wellbeing.

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About Women's Community Matters One to one support A range of free courses and activities, including a confidence building course, Beautiful Women, [...]

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About Age UK South Lakeland Our purpose is to work with local older people to help them retain their independence and exercise choice in their lives.[...]

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About Age UK Carlisle and Eden Information and Advice, Benefits Information, Carers Information, Health and Wellbeing, Information and Signposting, S[...]

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Women's Refuge; safe, comfortable accommodation for women fleeing domestic abuse. Tailored emotional and practical one to one support to help women re[...]

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Restorative Justice gives victims a voice in the criminal justice system. It bring victims and offenders together to talk about what happened and expl[...]

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